Project Voyager

“Project Voyager” is a long term experiential learning project, which last 6 months ~ 1 year.

The mission is to build a small boat and sail around a designated island.

We are going to start from scratches: boat concept, design, drawing, calculation, and build the boat. It covers a very wide range of knowledge, and build relationship among the team. It enhances the planning and execution abilities of participants.

Men can achieve their dreams, if they have solid experiences on building from scratches. They know how to achieve a bigger dream step-by-step. Project Voyager provides the successful experience to achieve dreams.

Duration: 6 months, in 20 sessions

Location: Workshop provided by the school, and Sai Kung sea.

Capacity: 12 pax

“Project Voyager 航行者計劃” 是一個體驗式學習的專案。



如果一個人有設定計劃及實踐目標的能力及經驗,在尋找自己的召命及實現理想時,必定能夠一步一步向前邁進,最終必定能夠達成目標。Project Voyager正是要提供這方面的經驗,讓人有能力活出生命、回應召命,以致能夠活在生命的前線。


